Creating a SmartFund

1. Connect Wallet

To create a fund, first search and begin by clicking "Start your Fund" on the landing page.

While you can scan a QR code to connect any wallet using WalletConnect, we recommend that you utilize the browser extension and wallet Metamask for the optimal user experience.

2. Switch wallet to Polygon

After choosing “Metamask”, select Polygon from the provided network options.

3. Start a Fund

3a. Choose General Ledger Address

This is the address where investor funds will be deposited and will be the address out of which all investments will be made and tracked. Make sure to use a brand new ETH address in order to have a clean transaction history for easier future audits.

3b. Add Fund Name and Symbol

3d. Customize Fee Structure and other fund parameters

Management Fee : The percentage of total fund assets paid to the fund manager yearly for actively managing the funds.

Performance Fee: The percentage of fund profits paid to the fund manager

Minimum Investment Amount: Do I have to explain this one?

Lockup: The time period set by the fund manager during which funds cannot be removed

3e. Confirm Fund Creation

Double check all fields on the submission page before confirming the creation of your fund

4. Confirm Fund Creation

After reviewing the final submission page, hit “submit” and then “confirm” once your Metamask pulls up.

Congratulations, you just built an on-chain fund!

Last updated